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Ramzaan And Pakistan - Article By Ammar Saleem - 26th May 2018

Posted By: Ammar Saleem, May 26, 2018 | 10:36:59Category: Columns

Ramzaan And Pakistan - Article By Ammar Saleem - 26th May 2018

Article: Ramzaan And Pakistan.

Writer: Ammar Saleem

Ramzan is not a name of a blest chronology only but also a tickle which residue for 30 days out of 365 days in whole world and it enthrall not only the Muslims but it pay off the 4000 religions of world, both directly and accidently. It not only forges the elements of decency in Muslims but also those who have no analogy with this phenomenon. This month is indication that virtue has fantastic taste only of 30 days but it is long lasting if we utilize according to our thinking. And the taste is of 330 days when people normally betrayed in sins. People even Muslims wangle nothing in those days as they entangled themselves in that grumpy enterprise and found no surplus either in form of complacency or in form of bursary. And at the influx of RAMZAN, instead of ameliorating egotism, people propone to convene coins than amassing blessings.

In Pakistan, it is ribald fact that consigner consider it as an eternity of revenue so they try to slay the perturbation of plebeians who want to reap the unfathomed divine sanction of people. Lamentably, a stockbroker to a tycoon partakes equally. God hold back Shaitan in a corral but the surmise of people is free and it reconciles Shaitan in his coop. Not preponderance but many Muslims of Pakistan who are akin to business are transposed to Mafia. It is vestige that we are not only lagging but we are impoverished spiritually. While other Nations either Islamic states or non-Muslim states venerate the accession of this blessing.

For poor, the edibles (pulses, fruits, sugars, drinks) are just exposition and they can just whim to get them with covet eyes. In Pakistan during Ramzan, the prices hike up to 200 times of original price of each product. The officials bow down before these barterers rather than bowing down before God. The edibles which nick squat are those which are either rotten or stale. This is actually the rotten beliefs of people and they affix in their actions. In Europe, it is reported that the edibles are available on 50-70% salvage so that hoi polloi people are succor too and in this way traders also strive in these aces days.

There are some slick beggars who come out at the dismounting of this month. They have no deportment with the gist but they have transaction with money they yield by bestowing the name of Ramzan. It is important verity and everyone should know that they are not penniless. They are like ants which come out of their shelter when they want food. They took stupendous advantage of people’s boon and ransom by showing their pseudo physical and financial plight. And people without knowing the difference of laudable and needy, donate to those pseudo people.

Ramzan transmissions on televisions are again a spot on our society which mainly spotlight preferment of different brands and earns in millions and include some of religious aspects. It sires social illness among people who are already victim of exploitation. Different type of actions are performed which are against the rules of Islam and Ramzan.

One of the main issues which is shattering the signs of our unity is fight on advent dates of this month and different religious bodies make it controversial which certainly amends the identity. Ruet-e-Hilal committee announcements are not accepted in all places and in people of one nation. They have own dates related to this holy month and they play it like a farce.

There are many other issues which should not be in our crusade book and we are reconstituting envy with chastity in our accountability booklet. Ramzan is contingency for everyone irrespective of religious and modern (according to society) people dispensed by God to do some goods and have well by God. Give respect to others and in return you will be respected by others. Other’s right is our duty. There should be equality in attitude with everyone. Ramzan is a way to live the life with discipline and it is a moniker of sacrifice. In return we get what we do not expect even.
