Jemima Khan Hilariously Hits Back at JUIF Mufti Kifayatullah Over WikiLeaks Claim
For those who don’t speak Urdu - apparently I have a first cousin called “Wiki” - who set up Wikileaks- which is a Zionist tool, supporting Imran Khan’s Zionist agenda. This from a so called Islamic scholar/ cleric.... “Wiki’ cousin hai Jemima ka”
— Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) November 6, 2019
“Vicky Leaks”
— Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) November 6, 2019
Wait till he finds out about my other cousins Panama Leaks and Vicky Pedia.
— Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) November 6, 2019
Wait till he finds out about my other cousins Panama Leaks and Vicky Pedia.
— Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) November 6, 2019
News update:
— Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) November 6, 2019
“Vicky Leaks is a JEW and a JEWISH AGENT” (“as is his cousin Jemima Goldsmith, Imran Khan and Henry Kissinger”)#OyVey#mullahschmullah#VickyLeaks is trending!