Breaking News: Maulana Tariq Jameel Apologizes On His Statement About Women
Recently I made some comments that I wish to clarify
— Tariq Jamil (@TariqJamilOFCL) April 27, 2020
My aim was to point out that WE are all to blame for our current state. It was meant to be a general remark not targeting any specific men, women, persons or gender, but as a reminder to get closer to what Allah teaches us.
My goal was to remind us all to focus on the spiritual and away from our desires and the materialistic.
— Tariq Jamil (@TariqJamilOFCL) April 27, 2020
I am the first to admit as I have taught over the years, that there is no excuse for making any hurtful comments about anyone or making anyone feel uncomfortable.
For which I sincerely apologize to anyone who may been inadvertently hurt.
— Tariq Jamil (@TariqJamilOFCL) April 27, 2020
I pray that Allah accept our good deeds and forgive our shortcomings.#tariqjamil