PM Imran Khan Under Fire on Social Media Due to His Controversial Statement
Disappointing and frankly sickening to see PM Imran Khan repeat his victim blaming regarding reasons for sexual violence in Pakistan
— Reema Omer (@reema_omer) June 20, 2021
Men are not “robots”, he says. If they see women in skimpy clothes, they will get “tempted” and some will resort to rape
Men on Twitter today are giving rape threats to “punish” women critical of the PM’s interview and to “teach them a lesson” while at the same time, they are arguing men perpetrate rape to satisfy their sexual urge
— Reema Omer (@reema_omer) June 21, 2021
The grotesque irony here is unmistakeable
The PM’s statement is dangerous and factually incorrect.
— Benazir Shah (@Benazir_Shah) June 21, 2021
One study found that most convicted rapists could not remember what their victims were wearing.
In another study, 1 in 3 college men said that they would force someone to have sex if they could get away with it.
Prime Minister Khan must refrain from giving his personal explanations for increase in sexual abuse and rape cases in Pakistan. Not a shred of evidence to prove that clothing has anything to do with Pakistan's rape cases. I thought he had learnt his lesson after the last debacle.
— Mehr Tarar (@MehrTarar) June 21, 2021
"few clothes" argued the men to rape. Why the hijab don't protect the girl who walk on street or just driving the car. Problem is not few clothes but the unawareness or illustracy of the consequences. #RapeApologistSelectedPM
— Tabassum (@TforTabassum) June 21, 2021
تحریکِ انصاف نوجوانوں کی جماعت ہونیکی دعویدارہے؛موڈریٹ اورپروگریسوسوچ رکھنےوالے طبقےنےPTIسےروشن خیال پاکستان کی امیدلگاتے ووٹ دیےتھے۔ ایسی لاکھوں خواتین وزیراعظم کےمتنازعہ غلط بیان کےبعدکیاخودکو محفوظ تصورکررہی ہونگی؟؟نوجوان کی کیاتربیت ہو رہی ہے؟؟ آخرکچھ توسوچئیے
— Gharidah Farooqi (@GFarooqi) June 21, 2021
صرف یہ حالیہ بیان ہی نہیں تشویشناک بات یہ بھی ہےکہ وزیراعظم خان ماضی قریب میں بھی دیےگئےایسےہی بیان اوراُسکےنتیجے میں ہونیوالےپُرزورعوامی احتجاج کےباوجوداب بھی ویساہی سمجھتےہیں کہ عورت کالباس مردکولُبھانےکاباعث بنتاہے۔سوچ میں کوئی تبدیلی نہیں آئی۔
— Gharidah Farooqi (@GFarooqi) June 21, 2021
اس ملک میں چادر والی عبایا والی، برقعے والی، نقاب والی، شراب والی ، فیشن والی پر عورت کو ہراسگی کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے اور ہر عورت اس معاشرے میں غیر محفوظ ہے رات دو بجے یا دن میں دو بجے اکیلی کسی بھیڑیے کے ہاتھ لگے تو برباد ہو جاتی ہے ۔یہاں تک کہ عورت گھر کے اندر بھی غیر محفوظ ہے
— Tanzeela Mazhar (@TenzilaMazhar) June 21, 2021
When the leader of the country victim blames survivors of sexual violence again and again and again…..and remains unapologetic & tone deaf after multiple protests of women of this country. If blame goes to how women dress then why need of new laws
— Nighat Dad (@nighatdad) June 21, 2021
This is not the first time our Prime Minister has made such insensitive, ignorant & incorrect remarks on sexual violence/rape.
— Imaan Zainab Mazari-Hazir (@ImaanZHazir) June 21, 2021
For the PM to have such a warped understanding of the causes of sexual violence is embarassing, problematic & simply not acceptable.