Fawad Chaudhry's views on "religion vs state" just few years ago
Politically Pak must be secular State inclusive of all religions,for Islamic interpretations Pak muslims shld go back to their Sufi roots
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) May 8, 2016
Turkey was a peaceful secular country until took over by radicals..just another lesson to keep state n religion separate
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) January 12, 2016
Once we decided State ll have to embrace religion next phase is which Sect?now its battle of Sect,No solution in site ll keep suffering
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) February 13, 2015
@hassansid religion is personal matter state must be secular n army is a must secular institution otherwise its dangerous as we hve seen
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) March 23, 2015
@arshadmmalik religion is set of personal beliefs States hve no religion it means states treat all citizens equally regardless of religion
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) March 23, 2015