Jemima angry over PMLN's protest in front of her mother's house in London
جمائما خان نے ن لیگ کی طرف سے لندن میں ان کی والدہ کے گھر کے سامنے احتجاجی مظاہرے کے اعلان کے بعد انتہائی برہمی کا اظہار کیا ہے۔ جمائما خان نے ٹویٹ کرتے ہوئے لکھا
What the hell is wrong with these people @pmln_org? Another mass demonstration announced outside my 88 year old mother’s house this weekend. This is the third time! What has my Mum got to do with Pakistani politics? It’s disruptive for her & a total waste of police time.
What the hell is wrong with these people @pmln_org ? Another mass demonstration announced outside my 88 year old mother’s house this weekend. This is the third time! What has my Mum got to do with Pakistani politics? It’s disruptive for her & a total waste of police time.
— Jemima Goldsmith (@Jemima_Khan) June 30, 2022