it’s really below all norms of decency - Fareeha Idrees's tweet on Imran & Bushra Nikah issue
فریحہ ادریس نے عمران خان اور بشریٰ بی بی کے دورانِ عدت نکاح کی خبروں پر تبصرہ کرتے ہوئے ٹویٹ کیا
First of all it’s really below all norms of decency that you have to reach a point where you are talking about these private matters. Can you expect a religiously inclined lady to marry in her iddat? And here is clear explanation given by Bushra Bibi on this sinister issue.
First of all it’s really below all norms of decency that you have to reach a point where you are talking about these private matters. Can you expect a religiously inclined lady to marry in her iddat? And here is clear explanation given by Bushra Bibi on this sinister issue.
— Fereeha M Idrees (@Fereeha) April 12, 2023