Unbelievable: Major (R) Adil Raja's tweet comes true about Shahbaz Sharif's VOC
حیران کن۔ میجر (ر) عادل راجہ کی شہبازشریف کے اعتماد کا ووٹ لینے سے تین دن پہلے کی گئی ٹویٹ سچ ثابت ہوگئی۔ میجر (ر) عادل راجہ نے ٹویٹ میں لکھا تھا کہ شہبازشریف کو 27 اپریل کو اعتماد کا ووٹ لینے کیلئے کہہ دیا گیا ہے اور شہبازشریف نے 27 اپریل کو ہی اچانک اعتماد کا ووٹ لیا، حالانکہ اعتماد کے ووٹ سے چند دن قبل تک حکومت اس بات کی تردید کررہی تھی کہ وزیراعظم شہبازشریف اعتماد کا ووٹ لیں گے۔ ملاحظہ کیجئے میجر (ر) عادل راجہ کی مذکورہ ٹویٹ۔
Asim Munir has directed PM to take the vote of confidence from Parliament on 27 April. The number is going to be completed by ISI Internal Wing. Charter Planes are being arranged to lift and deliver the MNAs. Exchequer money shall be spent on the lifting of MNAs. This is the worth of our politicians!
Long live democracy of PDM and Establishment Alliance. Long list of demands being handed over to Government by MNAs.
This vote of confidence will cost billions of rupees of the people of Pakistan.
End goals seem to be attacking the Supreme Court and swearing in Qazi Faez Issa prematurely.
The illegally appointed Army Chief doesn't want elections.
For the Master Plan, refer to the tweet of 4th April 2023.
The PDM Govt seems to be in denial, but that's what Asim Munir asked Showbaz to do. No smoke without fire.
Sources have confirmed the veracity of the above information.
Asim Munir has directed PM to take the vote of confidence from Parliament on 27 April. The number is going to be completed by ISI Internal Wing. Charter Planes are being arranged to lift and deliver the MNAs. Exchequer money shall be spent on the lifting of MNAs. This is the…
— Adil Raja (@soldierspeaks) April 24, 2023
معید پیرزادہ نے میجر (ر) عادل راجہ کی اس ٹویٹ پر حیرت کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے ٹویٹ کیا
Amazing Information! Days before the actual VOC by Shahbaz Sharif! No doubt they are so upset with you! But important for all decent people in media to realize that your sources are often accurate!
Amazing Information! Days before the actual VOC by Shahbaz Sharif! No doubt they are so upset with you! But important for all decent people in media to realize that your sources are often accurate! https://t.co/6JJJHab5r1
— Moeed Pirzada (@MoeedNj) April 30, 2023