Whispers in Islamabad, Project Nawaz has failed spectacularly - Hammad Azhar's tweet
حماد اظہر نے ٹویٹ کرتے ہوئے لکھا کہ اسلام آباد میں سرگوشیاں چل رہی ہیں کہ پروجیکٹ نواز فیل ہوگیا ہے۔
Whispers in Islamabad..Project Nawaz has failed spectacularly. The 80s man failed to have any effect on the seething public mood. Propping him up led to even more resentment. Its purely People vs Power now.
Whispers in Islamabad..Project Nawaz has failed spectacularly. The 80s man failed to have any effect on the seething public mood. Propping him up led to even more resentment. Its purely People vs Power now.
— Hammad Azhar (@Hammad_Azhar) November 20, 2023