Aseefa Bhutto's tweet on Supreme Court hearing over Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's death sentence
آصف زرداری کی بیٹی آصفہ بھٹو نے آج سپریم کورٹ میں ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی پھانسی کی سزا کے خلاف صدارتی ریفرنس کی سماعت پر ٹویٹ کرتے ہوئے لکھا
For forty years the hands of the Supreme Court have been stained with the blood of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. For forty years that shame has tarnished the halls of justice. The very judges who were entrusted with dispensing justice admitted to convicting SZAB under pressure from the dictatorship. Today is an opportunity for the SC to undo a grievous wrong. Let us hope and pray the honourable justices exorcise that shame today. Not just for my families sake, but Pakistans too.
For forty years the hands of the Supreme Court have been stained with the blood of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. For forty years that shame has tarnished the halls of justice. The very judges who were entrusted with dispensing justice admitted to convicting SZAB under pressure…
— Aseefa B Zardari (@AseefaBZ) December 12, 2023