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Shireen Mazari's tweet on Chief Justice Faez Isa's remarks about herself

Posted By: Sohail, January 02, 2024 | 14:05:49

Shireen Mazari's tweet on Chief Justice Faez Isa's remarks about herself

آج مسنگ پرسنز کیس کی سماعت کے دوران پی ٹی آئی کے وکیل شعیب شاہین نے دلائل دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ پی ٹی آئی حکومت کے دوران اس وقت کی وزیر برائے انسانی حقوق شیریں مزاری مسنگ پرسنز کے معاملے پر ایک بل لے کر آئیں جو غائب ہوگیا۔ اس پر چیف جسٹس نے کہا کہ کیا شیریں مزاری نے اس پر استعفیٰ دیا؟

شیریں مزاری نے چیف جسٹس کے ریمارکس پر ٹویٹ کرتے ہوئے لکھا

Actually CJP was not given the fact. Yes I as mohr minister got the bill drafted but law minister in cabinet insisted it be given to Interior so it was not my bill. Interior delayed as long as they could but then PM IK got them to table it. Went to Interior comm which mangled it but then when it came back to NA I got most of the original causes restored & it was passed. After that the Ministry responsible plus NA & Senate Secretariats had to table in Senate. So with all due respect to the CJP it was not my responsibility to get it tabled just as it was not my responsibility to ensure it did not disappear on way to Senate.

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