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Aleema Khan's tweet about his brother Imran Khan's health

Posted By: Saqib, August 04, 2024 | 06:08:06

Aleema Khan's tweet about his brother Imran Khan's health

علیمہ خان نے اپنے بھائی عمران خان کی صحت کے بارے میں ٹویٹ کرتے ہوئے لکھا

Although Imran Khan is very dismissive when we question him on how he is feeling. He did get some sort of food poisoning from the jail food. He thought it was because there was no refrigeration for the food.

We have repeatedly requested for Dr Aasim Yousaf to visit Imran Khan for a check-up but haven't received any response, whether it's from the judges or jail authorities.

Everyone's duas are very reassuring. Please keep praying for Imran Khan's health and safety in prison.
