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Zain Qureshi's tweet after receiving PTI's show-cause notice

Posted By: Atif, 6 hours ago

Zain Qureshi's tweet after receiving PTI's show-cause notice

شاہ محمود قریشی کے صاحبزادے زین قریشی نے پی ٹی آئی کی جانب سے شوکاز نوٹس بھیجے جانے کے بعد ٹویٹ کرتے ہوئے لکھا

I was, am and will remain faithful to my party, to my leader Imran Khan and to my father Shah Mehmood Qureshi and all that he stands for. I did not vote or even agree to my vote being kept in reserve. I did not go to Parliament and categorically denied my vote at every turn, in every circumstance and under every kind of pressure.

I am committed to party policy and I will reply to my show cause notice with honour and dignity, laying out every single event that happened to me, open to every question asked of me, with corroboration and evidences. I humbly let Khan Sb and my party decide my fate thereafter. I will honour any decision they make with grace.

I am the proud son of a great man. Loyalty is a badge we wear with honour. I would never ride roughshod over the sacrifices of our party workers, supporters and leaders. Allah Al Haq hai.

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